Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 PhD Student, Education Management, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate professor, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Abstract Introduction: Information technology and computers made an information explosion in past decade and now there is a need for a system to produce and manage information. This study investigated the application of information systems in hospitals. Doctors, nurses and other health care personnel need medical information for the treatment of their patients. Testing and correction in health care system is very wrong and unrepairable. Therefore, management based on accurate, exact and timely information and developing an information management system is very important in these institutions. This paper investigates the application of information systems in hospitals and their advantages and disadvantages. Methods: This is a descriptive and theoretical review study. The research population included hospital managers of the Isfahan city. The sample size was 15 based on the research population and sampling method was random stratified. Data were collected using a checklist which included 18 questions about duties, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the information systems with r=0.90. The content validity was approved by the professionals. Data were also collected by organized interviews with the hospital managers. To analyize data, the replies were coded and presented in three categories of duties, characteristics and effects of information systems on the institutional culture. Results: Findings showed that: 1. hospitals have 11 subsystems including acceptance, patient's leave and  expenses, archive, laboratory, operation rooms, medical documentation management, wards management, radiology, nursing, pharmacy and drug store, hospital statistics and information, 2. the advantages of the information systems in hospitals include saving time, reducing human resources expenses, speeding information remittance, increasing information accessibility, 3. the disadvantages of information systems include secrecy of patients information and medical documentation, lack of cooperation by related institutions, high expenses of the information systems. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded that information systems in the hospitals include 6 general subsystems of services, billing, equipments, resource management, treatment and public health; and the cultural factors of the institution influence all of these subsystems. Keywords: hospital information system institutional culture advantages disadvantage