Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 MSc, Library and Information Sciences, Yazd University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran

2 Professor, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

3 MSc Student, Library and Information Sciences, Iran University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract Introduction: This study investigates the effective factors and usage of subscribed databases by faculty members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in the academic year of 2006-7. Methods: A sample of 129 faculty members was randomly selected. The size of sample was determined by Cochrane's formula. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The questionnaire validity was measured by testing on a small group of faculty members in pilot study and consulting some information technology specialists. The reliability of questionnaire was verified by Cronbach's α. Results: Findings revealed that Science Direct had the highest rate of usage compared to other databases while Willey was used the least. The results also showed that the main reason for low rate of database usage was related to low quality of information provided by databases and second to that was the lack of useful databases. Conclusion: It seems necessary to provide workshops and instruction materials for the faculty member to improve the usage of databases, or reconsider subscription for those databases with low rate of usage. Keywords: Databases; Universities; Information Retrieval; Resource Sharing