Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 MSc, Educational Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associated Professor, Educational Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Educational Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

4 MSc, Educational Research, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: There must be a dynamic relation between leadership and people's knowledge. This relationship takes place through motivation and encouraging people attitude for acquiring knowledge. The purpose of this article was to study relation between knowledge management and chairperson's leadership styles at Isfahan University Medical Sciences from faculty point of views.Methods: Research method was descriptive- correlation and statistical population consisted of all Isfahan University of Medical Sciences faculty members in academic year 1386-87. To do sampling, after estimating sample size, 170 faculty members were selected randomly as statistical sample. to collect data, two questionnaires were used including knowledge management and multi-factor leadership style questionnaire face content validity of both questionnaires for consistency among items were verified by experts. Cronbach’s alfa coefficient formula was used to determine questionnaires reliability which calculated at α = 0.92 and α = 0.89 respectively.Results: Analysis of research data showed that 1) there was a significant relation between knowledge management indices and transformational leadership style and correlation coefficient was r = 0.366 which was significant at P < 0.01 level, 2) there was no significant relation between knowledge management and transactional leadership style and correlation was r = 0.30, 3) there showed no significant relation between knowledge management and laissez– faire leadership style with correlation coefficient of r = 0.044, 4) there was no difference between grades average of knowledge management and multi-factor leadership styles with regard to age and academic rank, but there was a significant difference with regard to years of service at P < 0.05 level.Conclusion: Having transformational leadership style by Isfahan University of medical sciences chairpersons can increase more communication and participation by faculty members and makes possible exchange of knowledge through organization.Keywords: Leadership; Knowledge; Attitude; Information Management.