Document Type : مقاله کوتاه


1 Lecturer, Medical Records, Hormozghan University of Medical Sciences, Bandarabbas, Iran .

2 MSc, Health Services Management, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. (Corresponding Author) Email:


Ever changing needs of society to which the health sector has to respond, makes the health sector reform inevitable for any country worldwide. Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of health services, equity, sustainable financing and management improvement are the main objectives of health sector reform. Healthcare reform was set high on the new administration’s agenda with the start of the transition. In the United States after coming on the new government, reforms in the health system were considered largely in the government work programs. The main focus of these reforms is on the use of new information technologies in health information management. This government has described improved health information as a key to expanding healthcare coverage while improving quality and controlling costs. Therefore government was set health information pyramid on seven issues that by implementation of these will be able to achieve the meaningful healthcare reform. Keywords: Organizational Innovation; Health; Information Technology.