Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 Associate Professor, Health Information Management, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Lecturer, Health Services Management, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 MSc, Medical Records, Statistics and ICT Management, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandarabbas, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Biotatistics, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandarabbas, Iran


Background and Aims: Given the ever-increasing importance and value of information, providing management with a reliable information system, which can facilitate decision making regarding planning, organization and control, is vitally important. This study aimed to analyze and evaluate information needs at statistics and medical records departments of Iranian medical universities. The findings of this study can be utilized in designing and selecting a comprehensive information management system. Methods: This descriptive applied cross-sectional research was carried out in 2008. The managers of statistics and medical records departments at 39 medical universities in Iran were included. Data was collected by a questionnaire. Since different methods can be used in designing information systems, the principles of BSP (business system planning) and CSF method (critical success factors) methods were considered. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS16. Results: A total number of 137 needs were determined from which 63% were considered as basic by the managers. In addition, 12% of information needs were categorized as the critical success factors of managers. On the other hand, 17% of the identified information needs were not priorities and were thus excluded. Finally, 18% of information needs were obtained through forms, 9% through the database, 33% through both forms and database, and 3% through the website. However, 37% of the needs lacked a definite source. Conclusion: Since 37% of information needs of the managers did not have a particular source, developing an information system in such offices is necessary. Despite the important role of users in designing information systems (identifying 63% of information needs), other scientific methods are also needed to be utilized in designing information systems. Keywords: Management Information System; Needs Assessment; Information.