Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Knowledge and Information Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 MA Student, Library and Information Science, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Science and Research Branch, Kerman, Iran


Introduction: Quantitative evaluation of scientific outcomes, especially research papers is one of the most important indices of research in the production of science. One of the most efficient methods of evaluation of scientific productions is the application of ScientometricsStudiesin articles indexed in major databases.  Research methodlogy in the research, webmetrics and type of study, applied. Purpose of this study is to investigate and study the scientific productions of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences’ Faculty Members in ISC. Methods: This study is adescriptive scientometric survey, whose data are gathered using Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC). The research sample consisted of 222 records from existing records in this database which are published by researchers of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences form 2006 to 2008. Descriptive statistics and statistical software were used for data analysis. Results: The highest number of documents published form Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in indexed journals in ISC is for 2008 with 77 articles (34.68%). Generally, the highest number of articles belongs to the school of medicine with 118 articles (39.33%) and considering the educational groups, to the internal department with 25 articles. Conclusion: This study show that during the years under investigation, publication of articles by university faculty members had an ascending trend with a low growth. Totally, the scientific productions of researchers of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in ISC is not an acceptable number, as the number of articles published during 3years is lower than the number of faculty members which shows that some of these faculty members did not succeed to publish any article in this database. Although the trend of scientific production (articles) in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences had been growing in terms of the number of articles, some of schools and departments had no articles published Keywords: Scientometrics; Science Production; Faculty Member; Databases; Islamic World Science Citation Center
