Document Type : Original Article


1 Msc. Epidemiology, Department of Social Medicine, faculty of medicine, Fasa University of Medical Science, Fasa, Iran

2 BSC, Health Services Management, Kerman University of Medical Science, Kerman, Iran

3 Msc, Nursing, jiroft university of medical science, jiroft, iran


Introduction: Given respect to the hospitals’ circumstances, decentralized and mandate, are of the delicate and Accurate  manager’s duties in organization. This study is conducted for appointment of organizational centralization rate and its related causes on the basis opinion of executive manager in hospitals under support of Kerman university of medical science. Methods: This is a descriptive- analytical study that performed by census method on total 15 hospital under support of Kerman university of medical science and 60 manager as research society in 2008. It is used 2 author-base questionnaire For data collection that their’s validity confirmed by expert panel and their’s reliability confirmed by calculation of alpha cronbach 0.76 and 0.79 and also t-test, analysis of variance and Pierson correlation coefficient used for data analysis. Results: the overall mean of organizational centralization was 67.3 and in order in hospitals’ manager was 71.20, nursing manager 66.47, educational supervisor 67.87 and in clinical supervisor was 63.47 respectively. Also, there was a significant association between organizational centralization rate and organizational post. From demographic variables, there was a significant association between gender and centralization degree of all manager. Conclusion: given respect to these results, it should be say that studied hospitals in this study were managed semi- centralized. Therefore, revision in rules that are obstacle for mandate or resignation in hospitals is urgent for promotion of quality of management’s services. Keywords: Organizational Centralization; Chief Executive Officers, Hospital; Viewpoint; Hospitals, University; Iran