Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 PhD Candidate, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Introduction: Financing the health expenditures in societies which lack the prepaid mechanisms, and is often done through pay out of pocket, cause to take the financial burden to households and they face catastrophic health expenditures. Imposing such expenditures, especially in long run, could have the adverse effects on the level of household life and leads many households into poverty. The study identifies the factors affecting the cost of misery burden of health to be able to reduce these costs and can be effective step to identify vulnerable groups. Methods: This study uses a probit model to determine the long-term cost and the burden of poverty on the health of Hossein Abad district of Urmia in 2012, 300 families in the district investigates. rezults: the long term determinants of catastrophic health expenditures, based on the results of the case study, are: wealth index, gender of household head, household size, presence of household members less than 12 years, job status of household head, number of hospital services to be covered by compulsory insurance and supplemental insurance. Furthermore, the results indicate that presence of household members less than 12 years, kind of health insurance, number of use of hospitalized services, and household size will increase the probability that households face catastrophic expenditures while any increase in wealth index, male household head, employed household head, household covered by compulsory and supplemental insurance will decrease the probability of facing the catastrophic expenditures. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the importance of expanding prepaid mechanisms and support vulnerable groups.   Keywords: Cost; Insurance Coverage; Health Services.