Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD candidate, health information management, Health management and economics research canter, school of health management and information sciences, Iran University of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Lecturer, Medical library and information science, Tehran University of medical science, Tehran, Iran

3 Lecturer, Biomedical Statistic, faculty of Health management and information science. Tehran University of medical science, Tehran, Iran

4 MSc, Knowledge and information science, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran

5 Lecturer, Medical library and information science , faculty of nursing, Abadan University of Medical Science, Ahvaz, Iran


Introduction: Open access, a new model of scientific publishing is that readers or their institutions for access upload and copy and distribute articles and their findings do not pay a fee. This study aims to investigate the views of the faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences toward Open access to scientific article. Methods: A descriptive survey method was applied. Faculties’ members of Tehran University of Medical Science were population of this study. As sample, 163 faculties’ members were selected. Data gathering tool was questionnaires that its validity and reliability was confirmed in literature. Data was collected and analyzed by SPSS software and descriptive statistic methods. Results: Results showed that more than 50 percent of faculty members believe that open access to scientific articles increase readership of them, increase the quantity and quality of scientific papers and increase citation to them. Other findings showed that the majority of faculty member (about 80 percent) thinks that publishing in open access journal hasn’t negative effect on scientific validity of articles and their academic rank. Conclusion: faculty members of Tehran University of Medical Sciences have a positive attitude toward open access to scientific production. Therefore, open access to scientific publications as one of the channels in scientific communication was enthusiasm by Tehran University of Medical Sciences faculty members. Key words: Attitude; Open Access to Information; Journal Article; Faculty; Universities.