Document Type : Original Article


1 Associated professor, management, institute of applied scientific higher education of jahade agriculture, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, management, payamenour university of Alborz, Tehran ,Iran

3 MSc, Executive Management, payamenour university of Karaj, general manager of pharmacy school, Gilan university of medical sciences, Rasht, Iran


Introduction: Human errors in medical area have made a concern amongst health policymakers and scientists. So, this study aimed to evaluate influential human factors on risk management in pre- surgery of Obstetrics and Gynecology and assessed the influential strategies and contexes on risk management.           Methods: The research methodology is survey method and it is a type of applied research and the nursesو head nurses, health workers ،Doctors and all health staff associated with patient in Al Zahra health and education center of Rasht in 2013 who considered as statistical population of this research. 132 people was selected as the sample from the total population of the research in accidental method and the questionnaire that was designed by researcher, its validity has evaluated by reliability of 86/6was measured and the comments masters were concerned . Software spss version 21 Plus Descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation of measurement techniques and test statistic t and chisqure investigated.Results: There is a significant difference between the human factors on risk management, and influential strategies and contexes on it. The results showed that the influential human factors affected on risk management were lack of attention to the most important medical history and diagnosis، inadequate health issues of non-compliance by the staff and services of patient transfer to surgery unprepared the surgical team for acceptance patient for surgery. Since the use of the Clinical and patient guides lines with regard to the full report, allocated sufficient funds and ،short-term and long term education risk have evaluated as the influential strategies and contexes on risk management.Conclusion: Since the Alzahra health and education center of Rasht is the biggest Obstetrics and Gynecology hospital of GUMS, it is necessary to survey influential factors on risk management. So, base on the results, human factors can cause possible risks in pre surgery in this center. Also, it is necessary for policymakers and managers pay attention to strategies and contexes that can reduce the rate of risks and can manage them.
