Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Knowledge & information Sciences, Iranian research institute for information science and technology (IRANDOC), Tehran, Iran

2 MSc, Medical engineering, Amirkabir University of technology, Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Health Services management, Baghiatallah university, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Portal assessment is one of major issues in developing services to users. This article is going to suggest a checklist in order to evaluate hospital portals.Methods: In this study library research method is used to study literature and evaluation checklists. In fact specialist viewpoints are used to get reliability of the assessment tool. Afterwards AHP method is used to valuation criteria and components.Results: In this study 14 criteria and 77 components were identified and proposed. The criteria and their score were gained as follow: contact information (with 5 score); features of portal pages (with 5 score); pages design (with 4 score); updating pages (with 5 score); Information, access roads (with 5 score); Public services (with 20 score); Services to Patients (with 3 score); Patient data (with 7 score); Research and education (with 3 score); Public relationship (with 7 score); Technical features of screens (with 4 score); Telemedicine (with 15 score); Pharmaceutical Services (with 3 score); Financial Services (with 15 score).Conclusion: According to finding a checklist for assessment of hospital portals is suggested.
