Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of Geography and Rural Planning, Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University; Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Equitable distribution of resources and health services to provide and maintain the health of the public has long been a perennial concern of policy makers and the management and resource allocation in the health sector have led to the high significance. However, in order to reduce spatial inequality, according to underserved areas after the revolution, the Islamic Republic has been a turning point in their agenda. But it must be admitted that the lack of balance in the development and unequal distribution of health indicators, health and social security The spatial extent and causes of regional disparities and gaps as the main obstacle in the path of development. Study of regional disparities, efforts to eliminate disparities and access to standards is one of custodian's necessary measures to achieve social justice and sustainable development. Accordingly, this study was conducted with the aim of explaining and measuring the performance of health systems the allocation of health care and social security the Bushehr province.Methods: The fundamental aim of the research methods were used in the descriptive analysis. The Society Statistics of the County Bushehr Province (9 County), and collecting information from the type of library and collection tools according to the type of documents and research objectives of forms-based data tables and Statistics 2011 Bushehr Province, Nineteen extraction in which health indicators and quantitative way by using analytic hierarchy process Taking advantage of the technique VIKOR )VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje(and using softwares SPSS and Expert Choice, Was to analyze the degree of development of the Counteis of Bushehr.Results: Results During the period 2011 to show the heterogeneity gap and uneven regional development in the health field in Bushehr province. The resource allocation process also suggests that the city of Bushehr has the most developed city in the most deprived city are Genaveh of health and treatment and Social Security. The evidence also shows that the city Dashtestan a relatively favorable development, Jam County, Tangistan and Dashti cities of medium and Dayer, Kangan and Daylam located in a row of relatively deprived areas.Conclusion: The results indicate that the development of health systems in Bushehr province there is need for revision of management systems, planning, resource allocation, and health care facilities, distribution and promotion of equal opportunities and quality services in remote areas for the purpose of land use planning.
