Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Academic Member, Medical Librarianship and Information Sciences, Health Management and Economics Research Center AND Department of Medical Librarianship and Information Sciences, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc, Medical Librarianship and Information Sciences, Department of Medical Librarianship and Information Sciences, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Indexing of a country’s scientific journals in international citation indexes helps the promotion of that country’s academic rank in the world and increases their contributions to global knowledge production. The present study aimed to assess the conformity of Iranian medical journals written in English that are not indexed in Scopus database with its objective acceptance criteria.Methods: The current applied descriptive study assessed the latest issues of 52 Iranian medical journals written in English that were not indexed in Scopus database. Data were collected through observing the journals’ websites and using a checklist. The collected data were analyzed in Excel software.Results: The results showed that 32.7% of the journals did not have foreign editors and 59.6% did not have foreign authors. According to the results, 77.6% of abstracts were structured. In addition, the amount of self-citations was low and more than 70% of journals were being published regularly. The findings also showed that 49% of journals had EndNote output.Conclusion: The studied journals were favorable in terms of most of the criteria, but required cooperation with foreign editors and writers and more EndNote outputs.
