Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Health Information Management and Technology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Lecturer, Health Information Management and Technology, Health Management and Economic Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, And PhD Student, Educational Administration, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author) Email:


Introduction: The role of the computer in information management has gradually increased the
motivation for investment in computer systems for medical records. Admission, coding, statistics, and
filling units' software have important roles in health information management. However, their adaption
and implementation needs the support of users. The goal of the present research is to determine users'
point of view on software used in the medical record department of Isfahan's educational hospitals.
Methods: This is a descriptive study was carried out on all users (n = 92) in educational hospitals
affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. The data was collected by a researcher-made
questionnaire which was validated by experts. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by test
retest. The results were analyzed by SPSS version 16.
Results: The satisfaction of users had a maximum of 76.5% related to coding unit and a minimum of
45.3% related to filing unit. The highest satisfaction in the admission unit was related to ease in use
(100%), in the coding unit was related to deletion of indices (98%), in the statistics unit to confidentiality
(100%), and in the filing unit to ease in use (89.5%).
Conclusion: The average of users' satisfaction of the software programs in the medical record department
was 61.8%. This indicates deficiencies in the design of the studied software. These insufficiencies cause
alteration in the function of computer systems in data management. Therefore, need assessment of users
and health information management professionals (HIMP) before designing and implementation of
software is necessary.


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