Document Type : Original Article


1 Library and Information Science, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author) Email:

2 Assistant Professor, Information and Communication Sciences, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Library and Information Science, School of Humanities, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Today, indexing is an important tool in information retrieval. The aim of the present Study
was to identify the level of compliance of the Persian and English keywords in Farsi and English abstracts
and titles of dissertations of the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, with the Persian Medical
Thesaurus and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which are the most important medical thesauruses.
Methods: This was a descriptive survey done in 2011. The study sample included 2942 postgraduate
theses from 8 libraries of the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 340 theses were selected by
stratified random sampling. . Data collection was performed by a researcher-constructed checklist and by
visiting libraries and studying the dissertations. Data analysis was performed by non-parametric statistical
analysis (X2) and correlation coefficient. Due to the nature of the survey it has no reliability and its
validity was confirmed by reviewing 10 cases based on the checklist, and modifying them according to the
views of two library professionals.
Results: There is a significant correlation between Persian and English keywords, and the Persian Medical
Thesaurus and MeSH. Most keywords had a composite or single-word structure, and most of the
keywords were selected from the abstract. The majority of selected keywords were English.
Conclusion: Keyword selection at the end of thesis abstracts is a form of free indexing. Therefore,
studying researchers’ keywords can pave the way for the modification of indexing tools for in science,
especially the medical sciences


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