Document Type : Original Article


1 Educational Administration, School of Education and Psychology, The University of Isfahan AND Researcher, Health Management and Economy Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author) Email:

2 Associate Professor, Educational Administration, Health Management and Economic Research Center, School of Education and Psychology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Educational Administration, School of Education and Psychology, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Educational Philosophy, School of Education and Psychology, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Today, human resources are the most important competitive advantage of organizations.
Therefore, university administrators should be aware of how to effectively use this strategic factor and
advantage. However, innovation is also a valuable tool in confronting uncertainty, and responding to and
impacting the external environment. The aim of the present study was to determine the simple and
multiple correlations between functions of strategic human resource management and administrative
innovation in medical and nonmedical universities in the Isfahan province, Iran.
Methods: This was a descriptive and correlational study. The study population consisted of all faculty
members of public universities of Isfahan (1830 people) from which 480 people were chosen by stratified
random sampling. The research tools included strategic human resource management practices
questionnaire and the administrative innovation questionnaire. The face and content validity of the
questionnaires were confirmed, and their reliability was calculated by Cronbach’s alpha. Data analysis
was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Findings showed that the mean scores of strategic human resource management practices and
administrative innovation scores in public universities of this province were less than average. On the other
hand, a significant multiple correlation existed between strategic human resource management practices
(training, service reward, assessment of performance, providing human resources, and employee
contributions) and administrative innovation. Beta coefficients were statistically significant between all the
practices of strategic management of human resources and administrative innovation. The variance inflation
factor for these variables was 1.33 to 2.75; which shows no line between them and that the regression model
has been significant. The member's comments regarding the relationship between strategic human resource
management practices and administrative innovation in terms of demographic characteristics were similar.
Conclusion: Educational organizations can pave the way for organizational innovation by adopting
appropriate human resource functions.
