Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 Assistant Professor, Library and Information Science, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Msc, Psychology, National Youth Organization, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The study on psychology of marriage rooted in the social issues. The field has also found its way to biomedicine. The current research, based on the document-term clustering methods, focus on term-proximity of documents that were related to the field of psychology of marriage in biomedicine literature.Methods: The co-occurrence frequency of terms within the two different corpuses of documents resulted in two proximity matrixes. The corpuses contained sequentially the documents published during the years “1990-99” and 2000-2008”. Those documents were returned by two separate searches in Medline. The cosine method was established to determine the proximity of terms. Besides, the terms were clustered by the Ward’s method.Results: The measurement of term-proximity resulted in two graphs of hierarchical clusters. The comparison revealed that twenty terms up to thirty-eight kept permanently their proximity with one or more other terms during the two periods of study adult and 21(60%) prenatal had a correct sequence.Conclusion: Dividing correspond subjects with psychology of marriage into five areas prepares the opportunity to compare the two hierarchical graphs and find the relationship between and within those areas. Consequently, document-term clustering assists to answer some reference queries.Keywords: Psychology; Marriage; Classifications; Medicine in Literature; Medline; Subject Headings.